How To Avoid The Friend Zone

How To Avoid The Friend Zone

To be an alpha male, you have to learn how to avoid the friend zone. Alpha males do not have time to waste, so the goal is to never get in the friend zone. Here are a few tips on how you can avoid getting into the friend zone. If you are following your purpose and constantly improving yourself, you should never fall in the friend zone. The goal is to never fall in the friend zone because it is a waste of time. There will be so many options out there for you, so don’t ever put yourself in a bad situation. Always remember your worth and value yourself.

How To Avoid The Friend Zone
How To Avoid The Friend Zone

What To Do To Avoid Being Friend Zoned

  • Be direct – You should always be direct and let her know your intentions.
  • Have your own opinion – Women value men that have their own opinions, so don’t always agree with everything they say.
  • Break the touch barrier – If you don’t lightly touch her when you are on a date, she might view you as a friend because she doesn’t think there is any sexual chemistry.
  • Create sexual tension – It is important to be witty and keep up banter. You have to make her think of you as more than friends.
  • Boost attraction – When you are on a date, make sure that you keep up your appearance. This will help keep her attracted to you.
  • Know when to walk away – If a woman is not interested and only views you as a friend, just walk away. Don’t waste your time and move on to the next one. Have an abundance mindset.
  • Pass her test – When you are on a date, she will be constantly testing your confidence. Show her that you are a true alpha male.
  • Maintain a masculine frame – Women appreciate it when you display masculine energy. She wants to date a man, not one of her girlfriends.

Why Men Fall Into The Friend Zone

  • Being needy – Being needy makes you look desperate and makes her lose respect for you.
  • Being jealous – Being jealous makes you look insecure and will get on her nerves.
  • Being too available – Being too available will prevent her from appreciating your time and take you for granted.
  • Being her shoulder to lean on – This is what her girlfriends do, not you. You don’t want her to view you as one of her girlfriends.
  • Putting her on a pedestal – Putting her on a pedestal will make her feel like she is better than you.
  • Arguing – Men are not supposed to argue with women. This is feminine energy.

Now that you know how to avoid the friend zone, it is important to never get stuck in the friend zone. Being in the friend zone is one of the worst places to be in. A majority of the time, when you get into the friend zone, it’s really hard to get out of the friend zone. What is the point of being friends with a girl that you like? It’s a waste of time and it could be disastrous if you try to get out of the friend zone, so why ever get into the friend zone in the first place?

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