How To Approach Women

How To Approach Women

To be a true alpha male, you need to know how to approach women. We will be breaking down the process of approaching women. Knowing how to approach women is important because you only have a short period of time to impress the woman that you are approaching. Always remember that the goal is to get her number and take her on a date. It is best to approach women who are showing choosing signals. This will save you time and increase the success rate of getting her number.

How To Approach Women
How To Approach Women

Before you approach a woman, it is important to pick up on the woman’s body language. It is important to have a game plan ready and remember what the goal is.

How To Tell If A Woman Wants To Be Approached

  • She is dressed up and wearing make up
  • She is smiling and looking at you
  • She maintains eye contact
  • She is playing with her hair
  • She is always in your vicinity

How To Tell If A Woman Doesn’t Want To Be Approached

  • She doesn’t have make up on
  • Wearing sweatpants
  • Wearing headphones
  • Closed off
  • On the phone
  • When you are walking towards her and she looks away

Approaching Women

Now that you know when she wants to be approached, it’s time to approach her. When you approach her, you are still looking for signals to see if she is interested in you. You can break the ice by introducing yourself with a firm handshake.

  • Display confidence – Women want a confident man
  • Be decisive – It’s important to show a woman that you can make clear decisions
  • Be direct – Let her know your intentions
  • Ask open-ended questions – This forces her to open up
  • Keep the subject on her – Her favorite subject to talk about while being herself
  • Find similarities – We connect by similarities
  • Be assertive –  Women like a guy who knows what he wants

Pay Attention To Her Interaction With You

The handshake – If she holds your hand for a long period of time, it could mean that she is interested. Also pay attention to how she interacts with you.

Responding to your answers – If she is responding to your questions with answers longer than one word and is having a good time, this is a good sign that she is interested.

She is also asking you questions – This means that she wants to know more about you. This is a good signal that she is interested.

Giving hints – She might say, “I hope we see each other again.” This is her hinting to you to ask for her number.

When To Ask For Her Number

Many people think that you should ask for her number at the end of the conversation, but you should actually ask for her number on a high note. You have a higher probability to get the number if you ask her for her number at the peak of the conversation. For example, you find out that you both like a certain restaurant. This would be a great opportunity to say, “We should go there some time.”, then handing her the phone while asking her to put her number in your phone. Most times, it’s a better strategy to ask her on a date rather just ask for her number.

What To Do If She Is Busy Or Working

If she is busy or working, you have a limited amount of time to talk. This is where a business or information card comes in. A business card is a power tool that has all of your information that will allow you to keep the conversation at a minimum and allow you to do less work. All you have to do is sit back and wait for a text from her.

Now that you have a better understanding on how to approach women, it’s time to get out there and start talking to women. Approaching women is a numbers game. Remember, an alpha male goes after what he wants. If you see a girl that you are interested in, you should have no fear. Rejection is part of the game. Practice makes perfect, so get out there and get some numbers.

How To Be An Alpha Male YouTube
How To Be An Alpha Male YouTube