Choosing Signals

Choosing Signals

Choosing signals are signals that a woman gives a man when she is trying to get a man’s attention and let him know that she is interested. Women give certain signals that signifies that she wants you so that you can go get her number and seal the deal. Obviously, it’s a lot easier to get with a woman who is showing choosing signals than a woman who isn’t. It’s important for men to pick up on these signals to avoid missing out on these opportunities. When women give these signals, they are hinting at you to move things forward.

Choosing Signals
Choosing Signals

These signals are subconscious. Women don’t even know that they are giving out these signals. Women do a great job at not verbally telling you how they feel but have a harder time hiding how they feel through their behavior. Women are better at reading body language than men. Women send out signals all the time. It is important to note that you need to see multiple signals to be sure she is sending a choosing signal. Going off one signal does not guarantee that she is interested in you. Women show these signals in many ways. Here are a few ways women express these choosing signals:

How Women Show Choosing Signals

Body language – A woman will display seductive body language. A woman who is stroking a glass with her finger, caressing her body, or playing with her hair.

Touching – Touching is a good indicator that women are interested in you. A girl who is interested will find a way to touch you. Think about it. A woman won’t touch someone she is not attracted to.

Submissive – A woman might be submissive if she likes you. She will allow you to take control of the date and allow you to be in your masculine frame.

Checking you out – A good signal that a woman is interested in you is that she checks you out. This is a little harder to spot when it comes to women because they are very secretive but it’s worth mentioning.

Eye movement – Based on the way a woman moves her eyes, you can get a clue about how she feels about you. If a woman looks away from you, it indicates she is attracted to you. If she looks down, she is probably attracted to you. If she looks up, she is not at all interested into you. If a woman looks off to the side, it indicates that she has not decided if she is attracted to you yet. A woman must look back at you 45 seconds after she breaks eye contact with you.

Examples of Choosing Signals

  • Maintaining eye contact and smiling or giving you a seductive look and continuing to look at you.
  • Mirroring your movement.
  • Bumping into you on purpose constantly.
  • Tending to end up in the same vicinity as you.
  • Making eye contact with you and smiling at the same time

As you can see, choosing signals are important for alpha male dating. Next time you are out living your life, pay close attention to women that you interact with. Be aware of your surroundings. Too many men do not pay attention to signals women give out all the time. Men miss out on opportunities all the time because they do not pick up on the signals. You don’t have to be one of those guys.

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